NDA Information
L3Harris requires that all commercial entities sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before using the L3Harris Premier site. While your company may have additional NDAs with L3Harris, the Premier NDA is a separate document with separate terms and must be signed regardless of what other agreements you may have with L3Harris.
All information downloaded from our web site is for the personal use and training of the account holder only, and cannot be distributed to or used for training others.
Company Information
Fill out the information below with the legally registered name, address, and phone number for your company.
Legal Signatory
The name, title and e-mail address of the person that is legally authorized to bind (sign) your company to this NDA contractual agreement.
Reason For Wanting Access to Premier
Provide a detailed purpose for this request, as well as select which product/products you are requesting information on.  
NOTE: If you add any products that you are not currently supporting, your access to L3Harris Premier will be delayed.
US Government Program or Project Supported
Provide information on the US Government Program or Project you will be supporting.
NDA Please Be Advised
Also please be advised that all information downloaded from our web site is for personal use and training only and cannot be distributed or used for training others.